All you need to know about MCT Oil

All you need to know about MCT Oil
Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is a common supplement used in athletic populations for sports performance but also amongst individuals targeting fat loss. The main reasons for the supplement’s use in these groups are because of the rapidly-absorbing nature of the fatty acids and the inability of the body to store these as fat.

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How to stay hydrated as an athlete?

How to stay hydrated as an athlete?
Athletes, bodybuilders, and people who like to work out spend hours of training and exercise on improving endurance, performance, and muscle gain. One of the factors that can affect endurance and performance is hydration. When we hear about hydration and exercise, it seems like an obvious topic, right? But actually, not everyone knows how much fluid they need to hydrate properly.

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CREATINE – Not a drug, not a steroid, but what then?

CREATINE – Not a drug, not a steroid, but what then?
Creatine is probably the most well-studied ergogenic supplement today! Unfortunately, and I can say this from personal experience, it is one of the most misunderstood supplements as well. So, how is it that the most exhaustively-studied supplement is also the most misunderstood? Blog articles, newspapers and radio shows in which individuals with no relation to nutrition seem to think they are qualified to summarise the entirety of the evidence surrounding a supplement!

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