Can Collagen Slow the Effects of Ageing?

Can Collagen Slow the Effects of Ageing?
Can Collagen Slow the Effects of Ageing?

In this blog we are going to examine the protective and restorative benefits that collagen can provide to our skin, with special emphasis on the effects of ageing.

Can it reduce the impact of ageing? Let’s find out in this article by covering the following:

  • What is collagen and how does it work?
  • How do collagen supplements work?
  • Can collagen help prevent skin wrinkling and damage?

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant form of protein in our bodies. There are over 20 different types of the protein, which are all key components of our cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bones, skin and nails. The most common type in the human body is type I (bone, tendon, ligaments), but we also have considerable amounts of type II (cartilage) and type III (skin, blood vessels) among others (Source: NCBI).

Collagen as a supplement

Collagen consumed as a supplement, is simply an external source of the structural protein that can help contribute to the regeneration of damaged skin, joint and tendon/ligamentous injuries and more. It is well-known that as we age, our internal production of collagen progressively decreases, which is one of the reasons for wrinkles forming in the skin.

how do collagen supplements work

How do collagen supplements work?

As mentioned, collagen is one of the most dominant proteins in the human body. Because of this, we produce the different types of collagen naturally in the body. But as we age, this rate of natural production begins to decrease.

This is where collagen supplements can come in!

They can provide a shot of the collagen peptides needed for the regeneration of our skin and hair. But more importantly, when we consume collagen, they travel toward cell structures known as fibroblasts. These structures are responsible for producing not only collagen but also elastin, which gives our skin elasticity. It is believed that by sending more collagen to these fibroblasts, that they will ramp up their production (Source: PARjournal).

Can collagen prevent wrinkling and skin damage?

Can collagen prevent wrinkling and skin damage?

Just like our ligaments and tendons, collagen is a major component in the skin. In fact it makes up the structural base layer of our skin and works to keep it flexible and resistant to damage (Source: PARJournal). It is believed that external collagen consumption can promote the internal production of collagen from structures known as fibroblasts in the skin.

Review on benefits of collagen, 11 studies

In a large review, the dermatological (skin-related) benefits of collagen (Source: NCBI) were shown. The review included 11 studies and reported that:

“Preliminary results are promising for the short and long-term use of oral collagen supplements for wound healing and skin aging.”


“Oral collagen supplements also increase skin elasticity, hydration, and dermal collagen density. Collagen supplementation is generally safe with no reported adverse events.”

Another study combined marine collagen peptides with antioxidants in 41 volunteers experiencing visible signs of skin ageing. Using ultrasounds, after two months of supplementation there were improvements in the dermal thickness and density of the dermis (skin; Source: NCBI).

Can Collagen Slow the Effects of Ageing?

Wrap Up

The research around collagen is growing everyday as it becomes one of the most popular supplements on the market! It is important that you as a consumer are informed of the proposed and actual evidence-based benefits it may provide. That is the reason we have launched this blog!

  • To conclude, the research indicates that a high-quality collagen powder taken at 10 gram can help you to fight off some of the effects that ageing has on our skin. This includes enhanced hydration, structure, firmness and elasticity.

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